Saturday, March 13, 2010

Does Your Mother Love You?

I have skipped another day of blogging and I don't know what my problem is. I haven't been as creative since my Colloquium (that sounds official, huh). I still love television, but it just didn't feel as good this last time I caught a peek. (It makes sense that not honoring Jesus would be a buzz kill).

I have erased tons of stuff from my DVR. I used to record all of the CSI's, but no more...I love a crime drama, but I am beginning to think that watching this stuff is not the best thing. For instance, my neighbors have a chihuahua and one day last summer it was whining for hours on end. Of course in my mind this meant that they were dead and the dog was trying to communicate with me. Lo and behold I saw them a few days after I called the rental office to have someone go and check in on them because clearly I have a screw loose.

On a side note (I am making it my business to have at least one side note in every post), I have another follower. Someone felt pity for me and I appreciate it. My mother is not a follower (hopefully this public shaming will change things). Apparently she doesn't love me enough. But do you know what she does love? Television. I went to visit yesterday and as we ate dinner and talked to one another (I heard that this is what functional families do), she made a comment about the lack of television. Wow. How lovely.


  1. Hey I like the TV too. I have a friend who took every last TV out of her house. She and her husband agreed that their is nothing good on the boob tube. I concur when she says it stunts her children's creativity and therefore has no use to her. Amazing. Still something I cannot do.

  2. By the time Lent is over, you won't even need television.

  3. Pearl from your lips to God's ears. While you are making requests I'd like smaller thighs also lol!
