Monday, February 22, 2010


I would like to say I am transformed, but I am not – stop judging me! I have a confession…I watched television on Saturday. In order to earn the Lord’s forgiveness (I know, I simply had to ask for forgiveness), I did not watch on Sunday. I am thinking enough already with the negotiating. I have had enough, the saints have had enough – trust me, it’s enough. I didn’t even do this much negotiating when I was in Mexico buying sterling silver jewelry. So, I have made a resolution. No television until the ninth hour on Holy Thursday. I will set my DVR for the week on Sundays, but I won’t watch television (seriously, I’ll turn to the TV Guide Network).

On another note, although related, I stopped by my mom’s house and it seems she doesn’t like me very much because not only did she have the television on, she commented on what was being said (apparently we will receive rain instead of snow over the next couple of days). Also, I caught a glimpse of my old friend Lester Holt from NBC (I think that’s his last name). I wonder if he is indeed a friend if I am unsure of his last name…

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