Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Game (of Life That Is)

In the 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse or that book, which is how I will refer to it from now on, there is a chapter on “Preparing for the Game” [of life]. Of course preparing for the game includes – you guessed it – knowing the rules.

Rule #1: Unhooking from the Outer World

Rule #2: Giving Up the Self You Know

Rule #3: The Willingness to Shift

Rule #4: God First (My Favorite – and I am not just saying that because He is a follower of my blog!)

Rule #5: Expanding Your Container

I am thinking Debbie Ford (the author of that book) might be a little perturbed if I give away all of her goodies for free so I will give details of the fifth rule only (Debbie relax…I am selling books here). Debbie says, “We can’t tap into the power that has the ability to get us through the most difficult of times and clear away the most daunting obstacles to our true fulfillment and ongoing success unless we make room for it – and we are the only ones who can do this.” In other words, we don’t have any room for new fulfilling experiences because we have yet to clear out all the junk from the past.

This is going to be good for me because I am still mad at my fifth grade art teacher. She misplaced my work and shared that she misplaced it with me and then gave me a poor grade (for which I was punished and missed a lot of Three’s Company as a result). I can’t remember her name, maybe it’s time I let her off the hook…

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