Pearl (my anonymous friend) blogs about her
Pursuit of a Ph.D. and in her blog, she talks a lot about this book the
21-Day Consciousness Cleanse. Through her blog I began doing the activities; most notably, the first day’s activity – The Gift of Desire. The gist of it is to list your desires. My list of desires last week (I’m a Gemini and love change – sue me) were as follows (not in order of importance):
Peace Ph.D. Love Curiosity Balance Prosperity Fulfillment Optimal Health (health that is really really really good – really) Confidence Healthy Self-Esteem (with this, the ability to tell people to kick rocks – nicely of course) Laughter (preferably at someone other than myself) Great Skin/Hair (okay, I’m vain – we’re working on one thing at a time here) Fulfilling Job Fashionable Great Figure Husband (will St. Peter deny me entrance if I specify rich husband) Children (well, one "children") And A Train Ride Out West (random I know) It seems through this book, some of my desires have been answered already (namely, fulfillment). If I am willing to do the work, I think that this could be a rather fruitful experience.
“The big win is not he who dies with the most toys but rather he who has delivered his soul’s greatest purpose to the world.”
Ok. I promise I won't comment on every post. I doubt that St. Peter will punish you for adding rich. You have to ask for what you want.