Friday, February 24, 2012
I'm Back...And So Is Lent
It's Lent (as of Wednesday, yesterday). And I've given up shopping this year. I prayed for something to give up for Lent and well, it came to me - shopping! Ironically, I was watching Oprah's Next Chapter (I am still watching too much television). She was interviewing a Hasidic Jewish woman who talked about having a want satisfied and then thinking what can I "want" next. And there it was. Replace material wants with "wanting" Jesus. Every time I get paid I think of a new want. As I am sitting here, having given up shopping, I am looking around my living/dining area thinking of all the things I could want and buy that would make everything perfect. Is there such a thing? Or would I just think of new things to want and buy? Good question. And so it begins...
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Change of Heart
Well, it seems I cannot stop blogging. I've started a new blog titled Television is the Least of My Problems because well, it is. I still have that little thing called a dissertation to finish and that book. I swear I want to be cleansed (really I like clean). I am just having a bit of trouble.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Reunited and It Feels So Good
I love my television!! And we are officially back together again today. I think this is it for the blog. I have started a new one, but it's not cute yet. My mother purchased a plot of land in the Livingston Community Gardens and she also volunteered to be the historian. As a result, I am creating a blog for that purpose:
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Might I confess that the reason why I failed to blog last night was because I was watching television and fell asleep with it on. In support of full disclosure, I just turned the television on, but instead decided to turn it off and wait until Thursday. I am deciding to do something fulfilling and enriching (hopefully) with my time (what that could be at almost midnight I don't know, but let's be positive...
Father Time
I fell asleep last night writing a post. Well, I signed in and...promptly fell asleep. So here I am this morning - well rested and on time (so far, but remember the day is just starting). I am going to keep this short (so that I may stay on time). Lent is almost over. I am almost reunited with my television (and guilt-free might I add because I have been briefly reunited a few times during Lent, but couldn't quite shake the thought of Jesus dying on the cross and all). Well, have a great day!
Friday, March 26, 2010
People Before Things
There is less than a week left of Lent. So many of you with grandiose faith thought I would be cured of my tele desire (of course I am not). The way in which I watch television will be different though as my DVR practices have changed dramatically. All of the shows that I thought were okay, but wasn't crazy about I have stopped recording and wasting my time watching (sorry Castle). Erasing watched shows from the DVR made me feel as if I had completed something (I guess technically I had completed "something"), which is a part of the sickness I think (I refuse to admit that a perfectly sane person - well, sane the majority of the time person - wasted so much time on shows she doesn't even really like). Now here's the kicker: I was willing to spend a trillion plus hours on television that didn't surprise me, make me crack a smile, or anything else that would signal to others that I found it the least bit pleasurable, but people I like a wee bit (a unit smaller than a little) I spend absolutely zero time engaging. Something to think about...
On a side note (well, I don't really have one - I just missed the side note - terribly)...
On a side note (well, I don't really have one - I just missed the side note - terribly)...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Marshmallow Peeps, Fire & Brimstone
Did I mention? I am going to hell in a basket. Well, to be more precise, a life-sized Easter basket full of all that fake grass and lots of Reese's peanut butter eggs so that my thighs are sure to be nice and chunky for eternity. I watched television again. And enjoyed it. I am contemplating giving up, but that seems so assanine since in a week I will be able to enjoy my tube at my leisure. I need help. Maybe I should send God an email (he's high tech you know). Please pray for me. Why is it when things get beyond (fill in the blank), then you want to throw it to God? Why not throw it to Him before you make a mess of things? Good question. My answer - I don't know.
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